The birth story of Lord Krishna. Have you seen it in this context ?

I was in my 7th or 8th grade when our Social Studies teacher Rev.Fr.Mark raised a question about Lord Krishn's birth out of nowhere and never bothered to give an answer. I didn't understand his intentions then and am not sure if I understand it today either. But, I am only gonna focus on what good has this question done for me.

Here is the question:

"Why did Kamsa allow all 8 children to be born at all if he knows the 8th is his destroyer?"
He simply could have:
1. Separated the couple.
2. Killed both or either one. (Instead of 8 children)

For another 10 years, I couldn't get an answer to this question, not that I was pursuing it so aggressively, but it's one of those things that I couldn't forget from my school life. When the answer finally reached me one day, my immediate reflection was that I was not ready to be able to digest this answer all these days and it just came to me when it knew I was ready to take it, digest it, and continue my faith in the Devine as usual.

I feel all religions and spiritual stories lose their context when people desperately try to make alterations to the story so it is easier to tell small children (and make them what they want them to be). What's the hurry? It's so much easier to teach Godly virtues to Children than to teach them, God. I strongly believe so because "children see children do". Children listen.... wait... when did children atleast the majority of them ever listen? Children follow actions, not instructions. So watch your next move, children are gonna make the same move. So writing spiritual or religious texts for children is the biggest waste of time ever. Simply put, Krishna's birth story is so irrelevant to children, especially when it involves the killings of 8 newborn babies.

Anyway, let me present to you a context of Krishna's birth story that I found to be filled with meaning and love.

This involves 3 characters:
1. King Kamsa
2. Vasudev - Kamsa's Best Friend
3. Devaki - Kamsa's Cousin Sister

Kamsa is very excited that his Best Friend Vasudev and his favourite cousin sister Devaki have married each other. He is so filled with the joy of seeing 2 people that he loves dearly coming together and starting a new journey of love and life. But that's when tragedy strikes, he comes to know that the 8th child born to this couple will be his destroyer.

Now imagine this complicated situation that Kamsa is in:

"My Best Friend and Loving Sister's 8th child is prophesied to destroy me." 

What do I do now?

1. Kill them both or either one? - No. I love them, they are my family. I don't want to kill them.
2. Separate them. - No, I know how much they love each other, separating them is no different from killing them. So I don't want to separate them either.

Under this conundrum and due to his own insecurities is how Kamsa comes to a decision where he wants his sister and best friend to continue their married life under his watch and give him all the first 8 children they have and then carry on with their lives.

This context to the birth story of lord Krishna has helped me find the answer to so many more conundrums that all of us might face with our family and friends. Any issue in such relationships where no blatant lies or deceit is involved, the underlying reason is seldom anything other than love. The love a person has for the other with a touch of insecurity. 

This Janmashtami let us learn to weaken our insecurities by strengthening our faith and love towards one another and him.

Happy Krishna Jayanthi ðŸ•‰

P.S. Feel free to comment your thoughts to add value to others who read this just like you. Thank you for reading.